Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Consecration Week... it's here!

Sunday, Jan. 24th--Ward Prayer @ the church parking lot just across the street from the temple.
Hot Chocolate and Donuts will be served!

Monday, Jan. 25th--DVD at the Visitors Center for Family Home Evening
7:00pm in Theatre Room One
There will be a special giveaway for ALL who attend.

Tuesday, Jan. 26th--Indexing Marathon
7:45pm at Our Church Building
Whoever indexes the most names in 30minutes will get movie tickets, there will also be medals awarded as well as refreshments!

Wednesday, Jan. 27th--Temple Session with President Romney of the Temple Presidency
For those endowed--Be seated in the chapel by 7:00pm
For those not currently endowed--The baptistry is reserved for our ward at 8:00pm
Everyone--Pie and time together in the cafeteria at 9:20pm

Thursday, Jan. 28th--Baptisms, Initiatories, and Sealings
Everyone is encouraged to make it a priority to participate in any of these ordinances at a time that works best for them

Friday, Jan. 29th--Baptisms, Initiatories, and Sealings
Everyone is encouraged to make it a priority to participate in any of these ordinances at a time that works best for them

**If you attended the temple on Thursday or Friday reward yourself by joining others in our ward Friday at 8pm at Krave (140 N. 400 W.--just off the Blvd.)

Saturday, Jan. 30th--Married Fireside Date Night with Special Guest Speaker and a Delicious Dinner!
Dinner at 7pm, Guest Speaker at 8pm
Location to be announced